Year Round Occasion Card Making Projects
February 23-26, 2023
Get a head start on your year round card making projects and spark your creativity with amazing card designs from 30+ card making experts during this free 4-day online event!
The Card Maker Success Summit is a 4 day event running from Thursday February 23 through Sunday February 26, 2023. There will be a variety of card making demonstrations for you to choose from throughout the day.
Presentations will be viewed on this website, and most of the live portions will be streamed on Facebook and Youtube.
This binge-worthy event is 100% virtual, streaming directly to you in your craft room, or wherever you want to participate.

Get access to our private Facebook community to get inspired and share your crafty wins! You will also have access to live Q&A sessions with our crafty experts. Being part of this community will boost your confidence and make your card making this year so much more fun!
30+ top industry leaders in the card-making industry have created special step-by-step demonstrations for you. Each video lasts about 20-30 minutes to get you crafting in a short amount of time. You will have 24 hours to watch the videos to encourage you to get moving on your Year Round Occasion projects now and be surrounded by a card making community while doing it.
I am so excited to be part of the February 2023 Card Maker Success Summit that is being put together by Brandi Mahon at Stamp Me Some Love!