This month’s Club are so fun. I love all of the artsy designs. As a Spellbinders influencer (this is just a name they gave to the program) , I DO get many of the clubs to share inspiration with you, and I LOVE them all. But this month (ok… and the last several of months) I just couldn’t resist buying some of the clubs that they didn’t send me already. And they all work so well together.
In this first video, I used the Wax Seal of the Month.
I had jokingly mentioned doing a livestream where we just watched wax melt, and folks said that they would LOVE that. This wasn’t a Live, but it’s mostly real time with just the wax and some wonderful soothing music. Perfect to play in the background while I’m busy doing other things.
Now on to the Cards.
This video was recorded LIVE on Twitch and edited later for your enjoyment (I think I need to add something like that as note on some of my videos… reminds me of the SitComs I used to watch growing up)
We made lots of colorful and shiny cards. And I think they are so fun.
For the Clear Stamp and Die of the Month, I switched it up and made a Window (or aperature) card. You can see through to the inside where I added a second arch in purple… as well as a white die cut using the die we cut the window with flowers out of. Perfect place to add a hidden message.
Anyway, here is a quick look at all of the cards that I created.
Here are some of the cards that I’ve made using these fun clubs! I’m also sharing pics over on Instagram, in my Facebook group and in my Discord Server. I’d love for you to check them out, hit the heart or like and let me know what you think in the comments.
And if you use any of my cards for inspiration, feel free to post in my group or discord server (in Discord, pic the Stream Showcase area and I’ll share your cards on my next livestream!)

Thank you!
I just love creating and sharing what (and how) I made what I made. And it wouldn’t be possible without you. Thank you so much for your continued support and inspiration.
If you’re interested in seeing more of my crafting adventures, be sure to follow me on social media. I love sharing my projects and connecting with fellow crafters. Let’s inspire each other to have fun creating beautiful things!
(By the way, I recently updated my linkbio and it’s looking fabulous! All the information you may want in one place, and so easy to make changes to. Let me know if there is anything you’d like me to add)
If you CASE or pull inspiration from any of my cards I would love to see what you create! So tag me “@debbiejscraftingcorner” on social media and share your photos with us in our Facebook and Discord groups.
Until next time, happy crafting, my friends! And remember, If I can make it, YOU CAN TOO.
Bye, guys! 💌🎨✂️
* By the way, this post may contain affiliate links. That means that, if you purchase something through the link, I’ll get a small commission at no extra charge to you. Thanks for supporting my YouTube channel and blog.
Or more using Spellbinders Products? You can find those here!

Thanks for joining me in some crafty fun!
Let me inspire you to create something great!
Because, if I can make it, YOU CAN TOO!
~ Big Hugs!
Debbie Jenkins
Stalk me! You can find all my links on my LinkBio!