NEW YouTube Channel Points

For now, I’m calling them “Happy Mail Points“… that might change and I’d love to know what you think!

To GET points, you’ll need to be active in the livestream chat (you have to talk to us!). In each stream, your first chat message gets you 150 happy mail points, and you get 20 more for each minute that you hang out with us and chat!

To USE any of these while I’m LIVE on Youtube, just type the “command” in the chat. Don’t forget to use an exclamation point at the beginning (that let’s the automation know it’s a command) and no space between that and the command.

(all point rewards are subject to change and we will be adding more redemption items)

CommandRedemption Cost
!pointsCheck to see how many Happy Mail Points you have!0 points
!discord0 points
!sunnyNEW! Share your message and really get our attention! Just leave a space between the command and your message. 500 Points
!tangiaThis will add a link to the Tangia app in the Chat.

There are LOTS of interactions available through the Tangia app… and they keep adding more!
see the app
!picTake my picture 50 points
!quote addadd a quote {format: “!quote add” space [text for your quote]}0
!quoteshow a quote {format: “!quote” space [quote id] if you want a certain one, or don’t add a number to get a random one 😊}0
!checkHave you been Naughty? Or have you been Nice? Let’s see what Santa says. XXXX100
!batbat swarm100
!cathave a black cat walk across my path50
!jackHappy Jack-o-lanterns50
!witchCackling Witch100
!zombieDancing Zombie500

YouTube Livestream