Welcome to our Halloween Video Hop!
Today I’m participating in a Halloween Hop and I’m so excited to introduce you to more creative crafters that will help inspire you to get started on your Halloween crafting! Or, if you have been following me and have already started, they can help give you more ideas for more projects. So, I’d like to welcome you to our Halloween video hop! Halloween cards don’t have to be scary, and there are so many ways to celebrate.
So we thought we would give you some ideas for some of your cards. Our hop starts today Saturday September, 19 2020 and goes through Friday September 25th. This gives you plenty of time to watch and comment on all of our videos.
The giveaway winners will be announced by September 30th on each individual channel and a list of all the winners will be over at Taylormadecards4u.com/blog.
Please pay close attention as some of us will be giving
away a prize on our channel and we will each have our own rules for entering.
For more information and a complete list of all the
videos, head over to Monica’s blog over at taylormadecards4u.com. (I’m including a links to all the videos below as well. )

For my project, I’ll be making this “Wheel of Fortune” cards using the Daily Curse Digital Kit from Taylormadecards4u.
In my last video, I used the photos of Edgar Allen Poe and the witch to make some Creepy Crystal Balls.
For my card today, I’m using other elements from the kit.
Starting with a Happy Accident.
For my background I’m using the skull pattern printed onto a transparency. I had meant to print to my color inkjet printer, but instead sent the page to my laser that had a transparency sheet in it.
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Never miss new project inspiration.
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Do you have a project you’d like to share?
Come and share your creations and ideas in our Facebook group!

——— Hop Participants ———
——— S U P P L I E S ———
(and where to find them)
(DISCLAIMER: I was not paid for the creation of this video. I use affiliate links whenever possible in my blog posts and videos. It doesn’t change the way you purchase things, but it allows me to make a percentage off of sales. Thank you for using the links provided & helping me continue to create here.)
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IG4, IG5, IG6
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Deb Jenkins
If I can make it, YOU CAN TOO
Stalk me: Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | YouTube | Blog | Tips are appreciated
Visit my channel and Blog for tutorials, inspiration, and motivation!