Beware the Envelope Gremlins!

Beware of the envelope gremlins!

Today I’m sharing a story that I received in the Crafting with Debbie Facebook Group.

Gaila Gilliland is graciously allowing me to share it with you here and on my YouTube Channel.

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Debbie Jenkins, there is a fifth way in which to make an envelope for those cards a normal sized envelope does not fit.

So last night I finished making my April card for you. 

Then I decided I would make an envelope because it was not only too chunky but also too long for anything but a 5 x 7 envelope. 

I followed your directions on how to make a template from an existing envelope that was only a little too big. 

After much struggling I finally had a template that would work. I set it aside for one second to clean up my work table. 

When I turned around, I realized the envelope gremlins had stolen my template! 

Seriously! That is the only possible explanation as I searched everywhere including rummaging through my garbage.

What to do now? 

I decided I would eat some dinner and come back to address my situation.  

The gremlins had not returned my template by the time I had finished eating so I knew I needed to make a new template. 

I had realized during the process of making the first one that it was a lot like making my own clothing patterns, something I used to do. 

My maternal grandmother, born in 1888, attended a girls finishing school in Brooklyn New York where she learned how to make dress patterns and make her own clothing. 

With six daughters growing up on a farm in Nebraska, during the depression, my grandma put the technique to good use. 

Of course my mom learned how to do this as well and often would tell me to pick a dress out of the catalog. 

She would then make a pattern out of newspaper from which to make the dress. After I was grown I figured if my mom and her mom could do it, so could I.

Template try number two called on those basic pattern making skills and by golly, I got the job done. 

I know it doesn’t look as good as the ones you made but I think it will do just fine. 

Now my question is: what do I do with the first template if the gremlins decide to return it overnight?

On my way to bed just now I stopped at the cutting board which is not on my crafting table. 

Wouldn’t you know it? 

I don’t think I can honestly blame the gremlins any longer for taking the first template. 

Why, you might ask. 

Oh, only because it was right there next to my cutting board as you can see in the pic below. 

I can turn around and completely forget what happened in the one second before. Grrr …

Gaila Gilliland

Gaila Gilliland


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If I can make it, YOU CAN TOO

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