I just love trying something new… or revisiting a technique or project that I haven’t done in a while.

On this week’s live stream, we made a few Memorydex Cards.

Memory Dex Cards


  1. Watch, Like, Comment and Share this post with all your Crafty friends!
  2. Buy a card or digi! If you loved this card, you can buy it! Shoot me an email.
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  4. Check out the supply list later in this post for easy shopping. The list includes affiliate links that allow me to make a percentage from sales without any additional cost to you. So shop away! 

What’s a memorydex card?

It’s similar to the old rolodex that many of us used to keep track of our contacts.  But it’s a bit more fun because you can decorate them up and make them pretty…. Plus they are fun to swap!

To me it’s like creating a piece of artwork that will always remind someone of you.  That is, if you give it away!

Check out the easy Memorydex cards we made in this weeks Live Stream!

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Let's Make Memory Dex Cards

——— S U P P L I E S ———

(and where to find them)
(DISCLAIMER: I was not paid for the creation of this video. I use affiliate links whenever possible in my blog posts and videos. It doesn’t change the way you purchase things, but it allows me to make a percentage off of sales. Thank you for using the links provided & helping me continue to create here.)



Deb Jenkins

If I can make it, YOU CAN TOO

Stalk me: Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | YouTube | Blog | Tips are appreciated

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