2021 09 Spellbinders Glimmer of the Month

Today I’m making a super EASY Birthday Card using the Glimmer of the Month Kit from Spellbinders for September 2021! The name of the glimmer set is “Glimmering Build a Banner”.

2021 09 Spellbinders Glimmer of the Month

I’m sharing this project as part of the Spellbinders Club Influencer Group.

If you don’t know how the kit clubs work, here’s some information from the Spellbinders website.  

The September Clubs are now open. Join September 1st – 24th and receive this kit.

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Making an Easy Birthday Card using the Glimmer of the Month Kit

This banner is perfect for cards for any occasion! All you do is foil the sentiments you want to use, leaving enough room for the corresponding die. Then you cut them out with the die.

Want a sentiment that’s not included? Just cut the banner out and use one of your stamps and curve it to fit! This set is so versatile that I’m sure that Spellbinders will be creating more die sets to use with the banners.

After foiling the sentiments, I used both the long and short diagonal stripes glimmer plates to create the back of my “ribbon”. This idea is just genius! I’m using 3 sentiments, so I needed 2 of the long and 2 of the short. The short ones I used for my “ribbon’s” tails.

2021 09 Spellbinders Glimmer of the Month

We now have all of the pieces.

For my EASY card, I glued the two long striped pieces onto a pattern paper card panel from my stash. Then I added a narrow strip of foam tape to the back of each of the sentiments. I placed these horizonally on the card so that the ends covered the ends of the long stiped pieces. For the loose ends on the top and bottom sentiment, I glued the short “tails” to the pattern paper panel with the flat piece tucked under the end of the sentiment strips.

2021 09 Spellbinders Glimmer of the Month

That’s it! To finish the card, I trimmed the panel to 5″ x 3 3/4″ and popped it up on some foam tape onto a white A2 size card base.

Come see how I made an Easy Birthday Card using the Glimmer of the Month Kit . Check out the Video!

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Making an Easy Birthday Card using the Glimmer of the Month Kit – Project Photos

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2021 09 Spellbinders Glimmer of the Month

——— SUPPLIES ———

(and where to find them)

JUST A NOTE: The stamp and die set were provided to me by Spellbinders to create inspiration to showcase these amazing products.  I was not paid for the creation of this post or video. I use affiliate links whenever possible in my blog posts and videos. It doesn’t change the way you purchase things, but it allows me to make a percentage off of sales. Thank you for using the links provided & helping me keep bringing you free content.

Thank You

Thank you so much for dropping by to see the cards that I created with these amazing stamps and dies from Spellbinders. Please give me a thumbs up, and comment because I love hearing from you!  

I hope you are inspired to create something AWESOME!  

Because, if I can make it, You Can too!

Big Hugs!

Debbie J


Deb Jenkins

Let me help you unlock your creative potential! 

Because, If I can make it, YOU CAN TOO!

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