Today I’m Re-sticking my Scan N Cut Mats!
Yes! You read that right! I’ve been planning on doing this video for almost 2 months. (ever since I got the Paper Studio Sticky Mats from Hobby Lobby while they were on sale. You can see my Haul Video Here.)

Re-sticking my Scan N Cut Mats 3 ways!
I have three SNC mats for my SDX125 machine…. and I’ve found three different ways to add some stickiness back to my well-loved mats!
Method #1
The first method I’m using today is an experiment. The pink Paper Studio Mats (not affiliated) that I found at Hobby Lobby came in a two-pack for about $15.00…. and I caught them on a 50% off sale! Which means that each of these cost less than $4.00! So I thought ‘I wonder if I can use one to re-stick my SNC mat’.
Video Time stamp for Method #1 00:47

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Method #2
The second method I’m using today is one I’ve been using for a while. CONTACT PAPER. I saw this method used on a video many months ago (and on a smaller scale) and had to try it out.
Video Time stamp for Method #2 04:10
Method #3
The final method that I’m using is re-sticking with Tombo Mono Multi Liquid Glue. This adhesive is a two-way glue, so its permanent hold is great for surface to surface, AND it becomes repositionable if you let it dry completely before attaching anything.
Video time stamp for Method #3 09:29
Testing the Methods
After giving all of the glue plenty of time to fully dry, I pulled out my Scan N Cut to test out each of the methods.
Video Time stamp for Testing 11:34

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——— S U P P L I E S ———
(and where to find them)
(DISCLAIMER: I was not paid for the creation of this video. I use affiliate links whenever possible in my blog posts and videos. It doesn’t change the way you purchase things, but it allows me to make a percentage off of sales. Thank you for using the links provided & helping me continue to create here.)
- Paper Studio Sticky Mats (non-affiliate)
- Contact Paper (AMAZON)
- Aleene’s Tack-It Over and Over (

Deb Jenkins
If I can make it, YOU CAN TOO
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Now that I have sticky mats, what should I show you how to make first?